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The USS Enterprise-J was thought lost with all hands centuries ago on a mission outside the Milky Way Galaxy, but they spoke too soon.  Captain Edan Dax returns after 600 years with a tale to tell, and a gift that will set the galaxy free…

32nd Century
USS Enterprise-J
Captain Edan Dax
Other Stories in Series


by Sean O'Keefe

Shortly after the USS Enterprise J has returned from her epic mission to Andromeda (those tales are to come) she has been retrofitted with a new spore drive courtesy of Lt.s Stamets and Tilly of the USS Discovery, temporarily on loan. Delighted that they will be able to make the return journey to Andromeda where they have pressing...
32nd Century
USS Enterprise-J
Captain Edan Dax
Captain Sisko

Tomorrow’s Enterprise

by Sean O'Keefe

In the 32nd Century, the USS Enterprise-J is called upon to recover the lost USS-Enterprise-N, which went missing shortly before the burn, and is now feared to be in the hands of hostile forces. Captain Edan Dax finds himself in unknown waters, and so calls upon a long-forgotten ally to help him...
32nd Century
USS Enterprise-J
Captain Edan Dax
Captain Janeway

About the Author

Sean O'Keefe

Sean is an author and the Trekkie Fan Fiction Editor/Webmaster.

He is in his early fifties and a resident of Victoria, Australia. Has had short stories published and has written six Star Trek genre novels and is working on a seventh.  Has also written a action/thriller set in the here and now.  He is happily married with 5 wonderful children who are mostly grown and going off and creating their own adventures.

Other, non-Trek, books by the author can be found on or here.

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