

by David Ellis

After the battle of Wolf 359, a few survivors come together in their escape pods and try to formulate a plan of action. The Enterprise is on her way, but are they alone out here?
The Next Generation
24th Century
USS Enterprise-D

A Song of Bogs and Woodlands

by Jan "Sokar" Kratky

Whilst on a routine patrol, the USS Dakar has a chance encounter with the Cetacean probe that caused havoc on Earth a century before. With the ship quickly overpowered, things look grim, but a spot of good luck has things turn in a different direction...
24th Century

All Roads Lead to Home

by Greg Mitchell & Vance Major

While on shore leave, the Captain of the Armitage gets a strange call from a woman who tells him she's from the future, and she has a message for him that could change everything!
24th Century

Almost Gone

by Heather Smyth

Picard surprises his new flame, Beverly Crusher, with a driving holiday on a world that resembles the late 20th Century. All goes well until a horrible accident leaves them both fighting for life.....
The Next Generation
Dr Beverly Crusher
Jean-Luc Picard

Armageddon’s Moon

by Nathan Warner

On an exploration cruise out near the galactic rim, the crew of the USS Alba encounter another Dyson Sphere. Believing their find to be ground breaking, the crew quickly find themselves wishing they'd never discovered it. Soon enough, they find that bre...
24th Century

Battle of Velsak 2

by Samuel Cockings

Told in documentary style, the Commander of the USS Intrepid recounts the story of how he brought his ship through one of its darkest days in the Dominion War...
Deep Space Nine
24th Century
Captain Sisko
USS Defiant

Broken Reality

by Samuel Cockings

Whilst on her way back to her ship via shuttle, Ensign Laura Reed finds herself thrust into an alternate universe, but just when she begins to understand, things change again, and again...
24th Century

Chance Encounter

by Paul Laight & Gary O'Brien

A lovely tale of time-travel and looking back at what was, and what might-have-been.  Delightful.
24th Century

Chaos at the Neutral Zone

by Samuel Cockings

Told in retrospect, Ensign Laura Reed recounts her tale of the battle between the USS Indianapolis and a Romulan D'Deridex warship, and her pivotal role in the subsequent events. 
The Next Generation
24th Century
Jean-Luc Picard
USS Enterprise-D

Close Encounters

by Nathan Warner

On a routine mission, Captain Riker of the USS Titan finds himself encountering something that defies logic and leaves him, and his crew, struggling to save the ship!
24th Century
USS Titan
Will Riker

Collective Reflections

by Sean O'Keefe

When Seven of Nine and Captain Picard have a chance meeting at a Borg symposium, they reflect on their memories of the Collective...
The Next Generation
24th Century
Jean-Luc Picard
Seven of Nine

Constar Chronicles – Raincross

by Vance Major

The Captain and the crew of the newly commissioned USS Raincross hear the fateful news of the synth attack on Mars. In a state of shock, they find they have a hard choice to make as one of their own is a synth...
24th Century
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